看国外 | 哪些早期指标可以预判猪咬尾行为?
发布时间:2019-02-20 来源:爱猪网
来源:Pig Progress
Should pigs in the EU keep the end of their tails, or should tails be docked in the 1st days of the pigs’ lives to reduce risk of tail biting? The subject is widely discussed which also underlines that there is no easy answer. However, there is work in progress and so are some very promising results, writes pig welfare expert Vivi Aarestrup Moustsen.
生猪尾巴应该保留,还是在仔猪出生第一天就进行断尾,以降低咬尾风险?这个问题正在欧盟得到广泛讨论,这也意味着,没法轻松得出答案。不过,生猪福利专家Vivi Aarestrup Moustsen写道,目前一些工作正在开展中,并且获得了一些比较乐观的结果。
Recently, my colleague Helle Pelant Lahrmann, defended her PhD-thesis called, ‘Tail biting out-break in pigs – prevalsence, early detection and targeted intervention’. In this Expert Opinion, I’ll outline some of the very interesting results from her study.
近来,我的同事Helle Pelant Lahrmann为她博士论文《生猪咬尾行为的突破——患病率、早期检测和针对性干预》进行答辩,我将摘取她的研究中部分非常有趣的结果,与大家分享。
Tail biting in pigs is a major welfare challenge in modern pig production because the behaviour is unpredictable and can quickly spread within a group of pigs. To reduce tail biting, most pigs reared within the EU are tail docked. Tail docking, however, is a symptom-based treatment and does not remove the underlying causes triggering the abnormal behaviour.
Producing pigs with intact tails
Nevertheless, producing pigs with intact tails in current production systems is expected to lead to a dramatic increase in tail damaged pigs without changes in management routines and production principles. Now what to do?
The PhD study included 4 steps:
1. The PhD-study documented what happens in a typical Danish grow-finishing unit, if pigs have not been tail docked and no specific interventions are made;
2. The study addressed if there were early indicators of upcoming tail bite outbreaks and if they could be identified by the stockpersons;
3. If signs of an upcoming outbreak were observed, could the outbreak be prevented; and
4. If there was an outbreak any way, could the risk of the outbreak escalating be reduced.
In a well-managed finishing unit, tail damage prevalsence was recorded in 48 pens with a total of 962 tail docked pigs and in 47 pens with a total of 960 undocked pigs. None of the docked pigs got a tail injury, whereas 23% of the undocked pigs got a tail injury. The undocked pigs with tail injury were distributed in 68% of the pens. The tail injuries were scored at the farm.
Change in prevalsence of hanging tails
The change in prevalsence of hanging tails prior to an upcoming tail biting outbreak was the target of the next study where the aim was to document if early interventions in pens with hanging tails could reduce the risk of tail biting outbreak.
In 60 pens with a total of 1,804 undocked weaner pigs, early intervention treatment was provided when the 1st tail damaged pig or tucked tail was observed from outside the pen. The prevalsence of tail biting outbreaks was reduced in pens provided with straw (200 g/pen) or haylage compared to pens with no early intervention (control group).
共计1804头断奶仔猪的60只猪舍,在猪舍外观察到第1头尾巴受损或缩尾的猪时,进行早期干预治疗。与未进行早期干预的围栏(对照组)相比,配备稻草(200 g/pen)或草料的围栏中的咬尾疫情发生率有所降低。
Amounts of straw against tail biting
In pens, where a tail biting outbreak did occur, it was recorded if provision of a small amount of straw, rope or a ‘bite-rite’ reduced the risk of tail biting outbreaks escalating. A small amount of straw prevented an escalation in tail injuries more efficiently than ‘bite-rite’. However, even when providing a small amount of straw, tail biting continued in approximately 1 in 4 four pens.
To sum up the results:
· Yes, tail biting will increase, if pigs are not docked and no interventions are made;
· However, prior to a tail biting outbreak, an increased prevalsence of hanging tails can be identified from outside the pen;
· When an increase in prevalsence of hanging tails are observed, the risk of a tail biting outbreak can be reduced by provision of smaller amounts of enrichment;
· If this is insufficient and a tail biting outbreak does occur, a continued provision of straw reduces the risk of the outbreak to escalate compared to a ‘bite-rite’.
And a very, very important ‘take home message’ is that it’s important to react to early indicators and tail injuries and not wait until the stage of bleeding tails. Compare it to putting out a fire – it is better to deal with the first spark than to try and put out a large bonfire.